After you have ordered, you can check the status of your order at order history. These are all the possible status and what it means:
- Unpaid - You have completed the order but payment is NOT done yet. It could also mean that you have selected Bank Transfer as the payment option, but haven't uploaded the bank slip.
- Paid - You have successfully made your payment.
- Failed - You have completed the order but the payment is failed. If you are sure that payment was made, please contact us at with your bank slip or any proof of payment.
- We've received you order - We have received your payment, yeah! We are now busy preparing the documents.
- We're packing your order - Documents are ready and we are now packing your order.
- Packed - Your order has been packed, sealed and ready to ship. We are waiting for the courier to collect it.
- Shipped - The status says it all, your order is now on the way to you. Courier has picked up your order from our warehouse.
- Cancelled - Your order was not completed or payment has failed. We have cancelled your order and all the CytronCash used are refunded.
- Refunded - Your order has been cancelled through order history (this action only available for order with Paid status). You money has been refunded as CytronCash in your account.