- If you have Cytron account, please log in to your account.
- Search for the parts that you need by using the search function on the top of the page or browse the categories.
- Once you found the product, click on the product image to go to the product page.
- Click "ADD TO CART".
- The product will be added to your shopping cart and your cart will pop-up.
- You may add quantity or remove the item from your cart.
- You can estimate the shipping charges there.
- Repeat the steps to add another product.
- If you have completed the purchase, scroll up to the page and click on the shopping cart icon (top right) and click “CHECKOUT”.
- Once you click "CHECKOUT", it will lead you to the checkout page.
- At the checkout page, you will provide us these information:
- Billing Details - The details that you want to use in the invoice.
- Delivery Details - The details that you want to use for us to ship the item.
- Delivery Method - Select the courier that you prefer or the self collect at our HQ Penang.
- Payment Method - Please select the preferred payment method to use on this order.
- Click "CONTINUE".
- You will be directed to the payment page.
How do I buy from Cytron? Print
Modified on: Thu, 10 Oct, 2019 at 10:15 AM
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